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Caspian Fishermen Bringing in Sturgeon
At a fishing spot in the Caspian region,
Russian and Kazakh fishermen bring in the nets. A few beluga sturgeon were caught. These fish
will be transported to a
hatchery nearby for artificial reproduction.
Sturgeon Hatchery Artificial Reproduction
Scientists use the Podushka method to extract
sturgeon eggs for the production of sturgeon fingerings at a hatchery in Atyrau, Kazakhstan. Sturgeon eggs
and sperm are extracted without killing the fish.
Sturgeon Hatchery Operations in Russia
Caviar Emptor marine biologist
visits historical spawning habitat for beluga sturgeon on the Volga River and
a sturgeon hatchery within the Volgograd Dam in Russia. Experts believe
beluga sturgeon may no longer be reproducing in the wild due to overfishing,
habitat loss and pollution. See comments from Dr. Ellen Pikitch, professor and
director at the University of Miami's Pew Institute for Ocean Science.
Sturgeon Tagging Training Workshop
At a hatchery in Atyrau, Kazakhstan, Caviar
Emptor scientists train Kazakh scientists in fish tagging procedures. The U.S.-Kazakh team tag both
hatchery-raised beluga fingerlings and adult beluga sturgeons caught from the Caspian Sea. The tagged
fish are released into the Caspian Sea after the tagging, and their movements are monitored.
Courtesy Khabar TV Station, Kazakhstan.
American Caviar: Great Alternative to Caspian Caviar
Caviar varieties produced from sturgeon and paddlefish farmed in the United States offer
excellent taste and are environmentally sustainable: a win-win situation for culinary professionals and consumers who are concerned
about the sharp decline of sturgeon populations in the Caspian Sea. Click here to see comments from Vikki Spruill,
president of SeaWeb, an ocean conservation organization, and from Chef Rick Moonen of Restaurant RM in New York City.
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