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Press Releases 6/14/07 - Wild caviar trade to face additional scrutiny 6/4/07 - Valuable marine species, including sturgeon, up for increased protection at international wildlife trade meeting 2/5/07 - Beluga Caviar Trade Resumed Despite International Objection 1/29/07 - Industry, scientists and conservationists ask CITES to keep beluga caviar trade closed 1/2/07 - Beluga caviar trade undecided for 2007 12/13/06 - Consumers warned to avoid illegal caviar this holiday season 9/27/06 - Caviar Emptor urges CITES to maintain ban on caviar exports 6/1/06 - Romania bans sturgeon fishing for 10 years 5/23/06 - Live via Satellite: Scientists to Track Caspian Sea Sturgeons 4/13/06 - Caviar Emptor applauds extension of global caviar ban 1/6/06 - Caviar Emptor applauds international caviar ban 10/28/05 - U.S. bans Black Sea beluga caviar 9/29/05 - U.S. bans Caspian beluga caviar 9/22/05 - First Global Review Sees Bleak Future for Sturgeon; Bold Measures Can Save Endangered Fish 9/7/05 - Caspian nations face U.S. ban on beluga caviar after failing to comply with Endangered Species Act; Scientists note further evidence of beluga sturgeon decline 9/1/05 - Deadline approaches for Caspian caviar nations to comply with U.S. Endangered Species Act; Scientists note further evidence of beluga sturgeon decline 11/12/04 - Say, "Happy Holidays!" With Seafood Greetings 10/22/04 - Statement From Caviar Emptor On U.S. Government's Delay In Protecting Beluga Sturgeon 10/7/04 - CITES Allows Caspian Caviar Trade to Resume Despite Threatened Status of Sturgeon 9/1/04 - Wildlife Officials Shutdown Caviar Trade 6/29/04 - U.S. Government Proposes to Delay Protection of Critically Depleted Beluga Sturgeon and Continue to Allow Imports of Beluga Caviar 6/04/04 - Caviar Emptor Wins Top PRSA Silver Anvil Award 4/20/04 - U.S. Government Acknowledges Beluga Strugeon “Threatened with Extinction” but Takes No Action to Protect the Fish 3/18/04 - CITES Fails to Ban Caviar Trade 3/11/04 - Upcoming CITES Report on Caspian Sturgeon Could Affect Trade 11/10/03 - New Home-grown Caviar Sampler Offers Environment-Friendly Choice for the Holidays 11/7/03 - Holiday Menus to Highlight New American Caviars 9/8/03 - Continued Trade in Beluga Caviar Will Hasten the Demise of Beluga Sturgeon 7/7/03 - Caviar Nouveau: The Choice of Nation's Leading Chefs 6/12/03 - American Caviars A Win-Win Seafood Choice 12/28/02 - UPDATE ON "Support Builds For Protection of Beluga Sturgeon." 12/5/02 - Public Hearing on Proposal to List Beluga Sturgeon as Endangered 11/13/02 - Policy Developments on Beluga Sturgeon Conservation 10/28/02 - Support Builds For Protection of Beluga Sturgeon 7/31/02 - U.S. Takes First Step Toward Protecting Endangered Beluga Sturgeon 6/6/02 - Seafood Choices Alliance And Caviar Emptor To Highlight Sustainable Seafood And American Caviar At Food & Wine Magazine's Classic At Aspen 4/25/02 - NRDC Sues U.S. for Failure to Protect Endangered Beluga Sturgeon 3/15/02 - Statement From Caviar Emptor On CITES' Approval Of Beluga Caviar Trade 3/7/02 - Resumption of Caspian Caviar Trade Could Mean Extinction for Imperiled Beluga Sturgeon 1/23/02 - New Report documents Dramatic Decline in Beluga Sturgeon In the Caspian Sea 12/26/01 - What's Being Said About American Caviars 12/1/01 - American Caviar: An Eco-Friendly Way to Celebrate the Holidays 6/21/01 - Officials Delay Trade Restrictions on Caspian Sea Caviar 6/18/01 - Wildlife Officials to Consider Ban on Caviar Exports from Major Caspian Sea Nations 3/12/01 - Caviar Nominated For "Best Performance" By An Endangered Species During Oscar© Party Season, Studio Chiefs Asked To Declare Beluga Caviar Off Hollywoods "Hot List" 12/6/00 - "Caviar Emptor: Let the Connoisseur Beware" -- Campaign to Protect Critically Endangered Beluga Sturgeon and other Threatened Sturgeon Species Announced by Leading Environmental Groups Home | Latest News | Press Room | Timeline
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